General Information

The Data Services Database is a special purpose UXP Object that permits UXP SQL access. This Database is used to manage named Users and Delegate Identities.

A Delegate Identity can be used to allow a named user to access a UXP Object without having the named user’s personal Identity embedded within the UXP Object. Access is still controlled by the data owner, but access is managed via the Data Services Database.

For an expanded explanation for Delegate Service, go the Data Services Guide or see the Delegate Identity topic page.

Demonstrates a mini workflow for using Delegate Service for UXP Authentication.

  1. Users, IDs, and Delegate Identities are added to the Data Services Database.
  2. Users subscribe to the Delegate Identity Subscription List.
  3. A UXP Object is created with the Delegate Identity.
  4. Upon access to UXP Object by a User who is a subscriber to the Delegate Identity Subscription List.  Metadata, like max access and access count, is observed.

Language: C    C++

Scripting: *.uxl

sample workflow delegate C

sample workflow delegate C++

sample workflow delegate UXL

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